Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom Through Quantum Healing
Have you ever wondered how we experience intuition and how to differentiate that inner knowing from our conscious thoughts?
Through Applied Quantum Healing methods, I've helped many people explore their inner world, noticing interesting patterns over time.
Experiencing Intuition
We experience intuition in different ways depending on our preferred sensory system for processing information. For some, it shows up as a gut feeling (kinesthetic), for others, an inner voice (auditory), and some receive visual prompts (visual). There is also clear cognizance, where one gains knowledge without knowing how it came to them. People with a deeper level of awareness can be guided by smells and tastes or a combination of all the senses.
It's commonly accepted that only special people have intuitive abilities. The truth is that we all have them; we've just been conditioned to believe otherwise. Society has trained us to disconnect from our inner knowing and rely on external validation and mental abilities to make decisions.
The Value of Intuition
Society highly values our logic and IQ, yet we experience increasing stress and anxiety. The expectation to perform by certain standards, follow numbers, and do things in a specific way to get results limits us in many ways.
What happened to creativity?
When we operate solely from learned knowledge and mental capacity, we perpetuate the same information and make the same choices, leading to the same results. This way of thinking keeps us in a closed loop.
Allowing intuition to play a role in our lives changes the game. New ideas, creative solutions, and unknown possibilities become available. Expansion becomes possible, and I believe that expansion is the purpose of humanity—it leads to the evolution of consciousness.
Achieving Flow State
In the past couple of decades, the concept of FLOW state has become popular. Practices like meditation, mindfulness, yoga, ice baths, automatic writing, journaling, earthing, and specific morning routines are ways to achieve and maintain this state.
Flow state is simply the ability to get into a certain brainwave frequency where you open up to the flow of energy and information from higher realms. This state is also crucial for accessing your intuition regularly.
How to Tap Into Your Intuition
It all starts with self-awareness. Be aware of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behavior patterns. Understand that you are not your thoughts or emotions; you simply experience them. By stepping outside of your experience and becoming the observer, you can choose your thoughts and responses.
Have you ever wondered if your brain creates thoughts or receives them like a radio? The answer is both. There are thoughts your system keeps recreating and replaying in similar situations, but there are also thoughts that come to you intuitively from the Quantum Field, from higher realms.
Mastering the awareness of your automatic thoughts allows you to differentiate them from intuitive thoughts, tapping into the Quantum Field of endless possibilities. You can ask your intuition to guide you on the next decision in business, new connections in partnerships, or even simple tasks that will yield greater results.
Imagine the Possibilities
How would your life change if you no longer needed to overthink decisions but could simply trust your intuition to guide you? What would be possible if you stopped operating from your ego mind, which constantly limits you in an attempt to keep you safe, and instead allowed the divine flow to guide you?
I’m lovingly inviting you to join me on this journey. If you’d like support, schedule a complimentary chat here to discover if we’re a good fit for each other.