Reprogram Your Mind: Transforming Limiting Beliefs with Quantum Healing
You are a wonderful being with enormous potential; everything is possible for you to achieve. Do you believe it? Tapping into your highest version requires reorganizing your Human Operating System, transforming any limiting beliefs, and mastering your inner power. You may ask, “How can I do that?” I am here to tell you how.
Imagine how our brain works very similarly to a computer. From childhood, the people around us program us to follow certain behaviors and beliefs. Until we are six or seven years of age, our brains operate in a hypnotic state, absorbing all the information without filtering out anything. We learn to become compliant in family, community, society, culture, religion, and other social structures. We fit ourselves into an often limiting environment. We believe in our limitations, and we learn to follow the rules without questioning them.
What if those limitations are not real? What if you are capable of expressing so much more? What if your beliefs and thinking patterns limit your life experience, and it’s possible to create a reality of your dreams?
Emotions are chemical reactions triggered by the electric impulses firing neurons in a thought process, creating the thinking and feeling loop. When this process becomes habitual, it is called a belief. Because the belief has a mental and physical element, we can say it is energetically stored somewhere inside your body.
We generally describe the mind as two parts: conscious and subconscious. We are only aware of 5-15% of the information registered by our brain. Up to 95% of our brain function is dedicated to our subconscious programs and beliefs. In the computer analogy, the screen represents the conscious mind you can see, and you have limited control of the programs. The subconscious is a hard drive where all the programs are stored, and they completely control what appears on the screen. Subconscious programs are like filters to our life experiences.
For example, if you believe that money is hard to come by, you will have a hard time with finances, and money will be scarce. No matter how hard you try, the belief that you are not good enough will not allow you to have a better job position. Similarly, believing that you are not lovable will make harmonious relationships nearly impossible. In no way is this your fault; your life experience registers a subconscious program that automatically plays out.
There are many limiting programs, from early childhood and later in life through traumatic experiences. Because we are conscious of about 5% of information received, 95% of our awareness is left out. The stories you decided to believe early on, and the meaning you gave (and continue to give) to your experiences, are based on your programming. Therefore, it all plays out: Your brain filters out great opportunities to make money easily; your potential employer senses your doubt about your abilities, so you don’t get your dream job; your program “I’m not lovable” guides you to partners who have no intention to love you.
How can we solve this problem? How can we reprogram our minds and change our lives into a series of brilliant experiences? Let me present a tool that gave me and my clients the fastest and most significant results. Forget about listening to affirmations year after year; you can transform your limiting beliefs in minutes.
Quantum Healing is an energy healing practice based on the NLP structure. Neuro-Linguistic Programming, as you may know, studies subjective human experiences based on the mind and body connection. Using NLP tools, Quantum Healing takes it several steps forward in the energy realm. The transformation happens instantly and typically resolves the issue for good, so you don’t need to keep managing it. Quantum Healing is not a management technique—it is a resolution strategy.
Opening up the communication process between your mind, body, and spirit engages your healing abilities, intuition, self-love, and more of your inner resources, which helps you rearrange the neural pathways in the brain, removing the blockages. It provides you with a past, present, and future structure that allows you to resolve trauma.
Quantum Healing can transform your life. Are you ready to step into your highest potential?